More than just a mommy

I am thankful for infertility in so many ways. It was the first really bad thing to ever happen to me. It helped me understand this sinful world and my loving God, and how those two somehow work together in an amazing way. Motherhood was my biggest dream. My ultimate ambition...fall in love, get married, stay happily married forever, and raise children in a Godly home.

As I realized that motherhood, for me, was not going to come quickly and may never come, I crumbled. Everything I had ever hoped for was wrapped up in the idea that I would be a mother...everything. After years of wrestling through all of this with God, I came away a different person...a better person. I still wanted and hoped for the family I had long desired, but I also wanted and hoped to be and do whatever He wanted. Somehow through all of the tears and anger and searching scripture and crying out for justice, I realized my own sin. I realized what I expected of God was for Him to fix my problems, instead of fixing me. I was the one who needed fixing, still do.

I am a mother now, by the grace of God. We have adopted 3 precious children. And now I see how infertility's legacy of blessing in my life is trickling down to my own children. Had I not learned everything I have learned, I would have probably put my children before my God. I would have felt worthwhile and lifted up because of my role as mother and not because of who I am in the Lord. I think this is a trap that a lot of mothers fall into unaware. We, as women, are so insecure. So many women are searching for significance in the wrong things. Motherhood, especially in the church, is the most exalted role a woman can have. I think so many womem use this role to give them significance, when what they don't realize is that they were significant long before they were ever blessed with children.

Let's not think that we are special just because we are mothers! This role is just one of the ways the Lord is choosing to use us in the world. And our daughters need to know that they are significant because of God and not because of any role or title they are blessed with. I am first a child of God, then a wife, and then a mother.

I know now that I am more than just a mommy.



Brenda Liniger said...

Great post! So glad to see you back in the blogging world!

The Gustafsons said...

I love this post! This is something I've been thinking about, how easy it is for my identity to be "Nora's mom." The video Priscilla showed this weekend was really convicting to me for this reason. First, I am a child of God and second, I am Nora's mommy. If I try to switch those two around, it is just a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I love and respect you so much.  Yes, you've had your disappointments & still will to an some extent, but you are a wonderful mother to those kids.  You know I adore you and how you handle life.  Thank goodness God is in control of our lives. Imagine what it would be like w/o Him.your momma xoxox