Such great ages!

My kids are 6, 4, and 3 years old...all with late summer birthdays, so they are well on their way to 7, 5, and 4. I have to say, as physically demanding as my life is because of them (and all of their laundry) this is truly an enjoyable time with our kids. Every idea I ever had about being a parent is possible now...they can enjoy an amusement park, run wild at the park or on a playground, use a potty every time without fail, put all their own clothes on, hold conversation with me or any adult, express their own opinions, skip a nap without losing it completley, play sports. It's all happening everyday and we love it!

As much as Michael and I would like to grow our family even more, I do know how disruptive that would absolutely be to what we have going on now. Don't get me wrong, a baby or two is what we want, but what I am saying is that we can enjoy this waiting room. It is possible to enjoy the waiting room! My goal now is to soak up as much of my kids as I can while I am in this waiting room. And if I never leave this particular waiting room, then I have spent my kids entire life soaking up as much of them as I harm in that! If the Lord ever decides to bless us with more children, I don't want to have any regrets with how I spent this time. Am I just waiting to get to the next thing or am I actually living my present out? I choose to live my present out!

Speaking of great ages, I am turning 29 in a few excited! I love getting older...getting smarter, hopefully. I love being a more experienced person. I love understanding life more and coping better with the hard times. I love how much more I love my God. Almost all of my friends have turned 30 this year. I'm excited to be 30. I think my 30's are going to be great! I have officially entered the soccer mom years...the mini-van years...the family vacation years...the years when I hardly ever get alone time with my husband (that's a whole different blog). These are the years my kids will forever remember. These are the years I will forever remember. Thanks be to God for making my dreams come true in completely different and crazy ways that I would have never chosen or guessed, But I am so glad He did!

I will wait patiently, trusting you Lord, and enjoying the blessings you have already brought into my life, because I know for sure that you have the VERY BEST in mind for me...and right now that does not include pregnancy.
